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Final CREST Reflection

Click to watch my final project

I have completed my CREST science project! My project is a communications project aimed to introduce Biomimicry for grade 10 students. Overall, I am proud of my final product- a video, as well as the thorough understanding of biomimicry I have gained through this experience. The topic of biomimicry has been around but the idea of it to be utilised in a bigger scale is fairly new, this enabled me to find credible resources and gain insight on different perspectives. Biomimicry is a very broad topic and so is my research question, because of this, I wasn’t really able to have gone in-depth and fully developed my thinking. Although I now have a greater understanding of biomimicry, I also now know that I still have a lot to explore on this topic. 


This whole process of creating a video to convey my purpose has taught me many things. Firstly, through my research process. I have learnt how to make use of school library online resources; I know that this will be beneficial next year when I begin to write my EE. My topic on biomimicry is quite broad and in order to find relevant information for my final product, I learnt how to only include the most important and appropriate ones. Secondly, the video-making process. I have been using iMovie for a long time now but with this project, I was able to learn new techniques and ways to edit my video. However, I do wish that I tried new software. Lastly, through biomimicry, I have a greater understanding and idea of how much nature has influenced products/structures/systems in our everyday lives. 


The aim of my project is to introduce biomimicry to grade 10 students. As a grade 10 student myself, after reading and synthesizing information on biomimicry, I realised how it’s all around us and how this will be relevant to our future. I think what elevated my want to introduce this topic was how it isn’t only about designing products or structures but how we can develop our lives to become more sustainable. In the time we live in now, it is more important than ever to mitigate the effects of climate change and to also change the way we live for a better future. 


I think that making a video was best suitable to convey the aim of my project, yet I wish I learnt more about making videos. Many of the educational videos I watch on YouTube have some animation in them, the result of this is that it is more visually appealing and attracts more people to learn about the topic. If I had time to learn about animation and learn about a different software I think it would best convey my purpose.


Biomimicry is always changing as nature is constantly adapting in order to survive. To further develop this project, I think I would need to observe the natural world and appreciate the systems it has in place. Us humans need to continually strive to live a more sustainable life for the future. 


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