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English IO Practice Reflection

After having listened to my recording of my IO Practice, other than feeling embarrassed, I was able to see myself in a situation of pressure, even though it was just practice, and I realised what is it that I lack in, as skills…, while I am presenting orally, moreover I could see what are the impressions that I give in that situation, and whether they coincide with what I thought or they are completely different. Speaking of expectations about myself, after having the time of my presentation was up, the only thing I could think was that I didn’t manage my time as well as I should, in fact, I spent the first two minutes making an introduction about my work, while I should have spent just 1 minute and same thing happened while talking of my first body of work; I talked so much about the first one, the literary text, that I had just 3 minutes to talk about the non-lit one and wrap up my presentation. Except for time management, I noticed that during exposing my research, I was calm and relaxed, the only time I fumbled, was because I couldn’t find the word, which happens daily and therefore I am not surprised about, while I was able to make all the connections I thought about previously. In terms of being calm, it was because I felt comfortable talking and exposing to my partner; it seemed more like having a chat with him about the topic other than a school presentation. Speaking again of how my exposition went and how I managed it, I remember that before the presentation I told myself multiple times to remember to use the actual text and show what I was referring to, to my partner and so I did. Another thing I realised was that I should have connected more what I was talking about with my global issue; what I saw I did was that I showed how power, my global issue, was present in the texts, but I didn’t specifically use my bodies of work to answer my question, which I like to think I would have done if I had managed my time better. 


To sum up, I was not surprised of how I presented, I already knew that I could have done better; I am conscious of what are my weaknesses and my strengths and this IO Practice was just a proof of what they are.

Published inEnglish Learner Portofolio

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