To be honest, it was quite disappointing that we had to change our focus to reading, rather then music, and to make matter worse, we could’t even meet the kids. Regardless, we got into planning our videos, in order to send to the child care center. These videos were done before hand, not live, thus we decide to spend the first few lessons back from the break, to organise teams and get a good workflow down, in order to produce 1 video per week. Most specifically, I found working with friends and people I knew within the service to be most effective, it felt like we had good chemistry coordinating the camera, sound, lighting and editing. Although we sometimes would get distracted, I felt that we were able to get back on the task, and meet the deadline effectively. Rather disappointing was that our first video could’t be sent, as the readers weren’t wearing mask, which meant it could’t be used, as this would set a bad example for for children. Nevertheless, we continue to produce our videos, taking into consideration of audio quality, due to the mask reducing the reader’s voice.

  • Collaborate well with members of my service (LO5)