There are several themes that are introduced in Othello Act 1, primarily the theme of betrayal and manipulation. Iago is presented as a machiavellian which is contrasted with Othello & Michael Cassio loyalty and trusting personalities. The theme of being a soldier or server is also introduced with 2 very distinct perspective of what it means to serve. We see this with Othello being a very calm or trusting/loyal general, contrasted with Iago’s view on “faking it, till you make it”

Iago is presented as a cunning and machiavellian character, however Iago has an ability to present himself depending on the situation or which characters his around. This means that characters in the play, view Iago as a trustworthy, loyal & high ranking official. Othello is in the audience eyes a well articulate man, a man of honour. However, Iago paints Othello as a devil or animal. Desdemona is presented as a bold woman, by disobeying her father and standing up for her own choices to marry Othello. Iago paints Desdemona as a sneaky, cunning woman. Cassio is presented to a “proper man” by Iago, but also by the audience. We hear that Iago dislikes Cassio, as he thinks that Cassio is not an experience soldier but is able to win Othello’s favour by theory.