In the poem written by Carol Ann Duffy, she transforms a traditional greek mythology story of Thetis into a modern context. The poem written by Duffy is about Thetis continuous attempts to evade her pursuer which is kept anonymous in the poem, but in the greek story we know it was a mortal man who does. Thetis transform herself at the start of each stanza, from a song bird, to sea creatures, to the elements until she stops transforming when she becomes a mother. Her pursuer adapts to her transformation as he too transforms in order to control or suppress her. An example of this is when she becomes a lion, and her pursuer becomes a hunter. Thetis transformations reflect her different approaches to stop her pursuer. She transforms into a lion to fight back, transforms into sea creatures to hide, transforms into rodents/unattractive animals in order to displease her pursuer and so on. This chase of continuous transformation ends, when she becomes a mother. The ending is quite up to the reader interpretation, but I think the poem was written to reflect the harassment or constant pursuing single/young girls in the modern world have to deal with. Motherhood also acts as a double edge sword, as one is free but the identity was forced against Thetis.