Since the last reflection, I have been focusing on completing the entire Sonata in D Major by Mozart, after finishing the 3rd movement. With the grade 11 end of year exams in the horizon, managing my time practicing was proving difficult, however I made the decision to practice at least 30 min each day during the April break while I was preparing for the exams. I will admit that  I had some “cheat days” where I did not follow this rule, where I rather watch some TV and relax, but overall it was an effective way to maintain my piano skills.

  • Improve my awareness of music and improve my piano skills. (LO1)

From the last reflection, I have been actively trying to improve my awareness of my music, not only on the skill level, but also trying to understand the culture and background of music. I tried to ask my piano teacher questions about the history of the music and this would lead to often interesting discussions on the different types of music and the history. I felt like this really help me find my passion for music and allowed me to understand the important of music in society. This all in all made me be a better pianist, since 20% of the playing music is playing the notes correctly, 80% is interpreting.