Strava app


Due to the recent COVID measures being raised, we were not allowed to participate in any activities at school. This however did not stop me from continuing cycling. Because this period was during the holidays and activities were cancelled, I found more time to go out and cycle with my father. During the rides, I tried to focus on interval training, however riding in the real world is not as effective as riding in the gym as in the real world, you need to watch out for people, cars, traffic lights and other cyclist while riding. I also employed an app called Strava to track all my rides as a way to see the progress. Strava also provides estimates on the average speed and power however, this is not as accurate compared to the gym equipment as Strava did not have a power meter as well as took into account of stopping/slowing down due to traffic etc.

As I started riding more in the night as during the day I had school/hw, I was looking for a new light which was brighter for safety issues. While searching, I realised that even in an activity like cycling, our choices and actions impact society and have ethical implications. This is because I saw a large range of lights and some of them contained unsustainable materials. Furthermore, I noticed that it was my responsibility to ensure my bike had the needed fount/back lights for the safety of others.