• The idea of an efficient policing system was to have a central watch tower, with only a single person watching surrounded by  prisons cells. The idea is that at anytime, the prison guard can see inside each cell at all times. This imposes the prisoners to feel like they are being constantly watched. After a while, there is no need for a prison guard, as the prisoners internalise good behaviour. They will feel like they are always being watched, and internalise thee need to behave at all times.
  • The first way to impose something this is by imposing punishment on individuals who don’t follow the rules. This can be done beside closed doors to publicly.  The second way is to use a network of spies/informants, this is seen in the form of “eyes” in Gilead. In the modern world, this might be seen as CCTVs and there is a fine line between both.
  • The ideology is based of the old Testament. By distributing power in such a way that a few people have just a little bit more power compared to someone else, that is enough for them to accept the ideology rather than to fight it.
  • The commander justify the oppression of woman by saying although rights were taken away,  there is to be more to gain from this. However he justifies this by citing the failure of men rather than the failures of women. His entire reasoning focus on the whole ideas of woman’s destiny is to just bear child. This notion is deeply part of Gilead’s ideology.
  • Gilead manipulates messages and focus on justify their actions against woman. The difference between freedom to, but freedom from. Women are often asked to judge or police other women.