My UWCSEA Learning Journey

Shawn Cheah


CAS Final Interview

ITP Piano | Evidence and Reflection 5

Reflecting on the past year or two, I am proud on the pieces I learnt during the period. I have learnt pieces that I once thought were reserved for the “pros” and the fact that I’m able to play them… Continue Reading →

Badminton CAS reflection and evidence 2

As I prepare to sign up for another season of Badminton, I realised that the time commitments were very tough to fit into my busy schedule, as training requires 3 sessions per week. Badminton in the pass year, has helped… Continue Reading →

Indoctrination and ideology + Surveillance notes

The idea of an efficient policing system was to have a central watch tower, with only a single person watching surrounded by  prisons cells. The idea is that at anytime, the prison guard can see inside each cell at all… Continue Reading →

In what ways is the control of women’s bodies reflective of the totalitarian control of the regime in Gilead?

We normally view our body as an instrument, to get to A from B, but when a state attempts to gain control, the body presents alot more value than just being an instrument. In the case of the book, her… Continue Reading →

Reflection 2 | UWC Zwift cycling team/training

  Due to the recent COVID measures being raised, we were not allowed to participate in any activities at school. This however did not stop me from continuing cycling. Because this period was during the holidays and activities were cancelled,… Continue Reading →

Who is Offred ? | Identity in The Handmaid’s tale

By the constant flashbacks to Offred’s past, highlights the difference between the two worlds. For example, when Offred’s describes about going to the doctor, she states “only now obligatory”, which demonstrates the lack of freedom. Similar to other regimes in… Continue Reading →

Handmaid tale | Context is all

Offread says in the novel “context is all”. During the time when the book was written or being planned, the reality of a totalitarian rule in the Soviet empire was very much a reality. She was living in West Berlin,… Continue Reading →

Antigone Essay | What is the significance of this extract in the play, in relation to the issue of power? 

What is the significance of this extract in the play, in relation to the issue of power?    Extract: Haemon and Creon  Antigone is a form of Greek tragedy which examines the tensions between the power of belief and traditions… Continue Reading →

Reflection 1 | UWC Zwift cycling team/training | Cas 1

I have signed up for the UWC Zwift cycling team/training activity. During the holidays I recently got into cycling and thus was interested to see how training could be applied to improve my physical ability. For the first few sessions,… Continue Reading →

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