Shawn Cheah


ITP Piano | Evidence and Reflection 4

LO6 – Global Engagement. Recently, I have been listening closely to how other pianist play a piece (on Youtube) , in order to improve my interpretation of the music.  This was a part lacking in some my pieces as certain… Continue Reading →

End of Grade 11 CAS reflection + summer

Throughout the year I engaged in numerous activities from competitive badminton to participating in SGM Murni a child care center where I was in charge in handling the logistics of activities. These experiences has helped me become a better human… Continue Reading →

SGM Murni Child Development Center | Evidence and Reflection 4

Wrapping up this year of service, I had time to reflect on the issues. SGM Murni is a child care center targeted at lower income families. Throughout the experience, it has led me to understand that such issues of relative… Continue Reading →

Gendered power dynamics

Global Issue Focus : Gendered power dynamics Literary Work: Salome by Carol Ann Duffy from ‘The World’s Wife’ collection, 1999 Non-Literary Work: “Now act like you like it” cartoon by Liza Donnelly Focus – Gendered power dynamics  Salome – The poem… Continue Reading →

The world’s wife | General Statement

The world’s wife is a collection that utilizes dramatic monologue to present a new feminine perspective in historical legends/stories through various allusions and intertextuality. The collection explores what it means to be human from different perspectives that transcend time and… Continue Reading →

Salome Annotations & Thoughts

The poem Salome by Carol Ann Duffy explores the power dynamics between male and female relationships. The poem is an allusion or transformation of the bible/original story of Salome. In Carol Ann Duffy’s version, Salome almost seems like a modern… Continue Reading →

PSE Reflection unit 4

I felt that this unit was very important for myself as these experiences will become reality in my life very soon, or might be already happening. It was insightful to see how we could help people but also help ourselves… Continue Reading →

CAS interview 2

Delilah Notes

Thesis : Delilah is a poem that explores the psychosexual myth, power dynamics and relationship between men and woman which presents them with equal power in bipolar power dimensions. (emotional power and physical power)

SGM Murni Child Development Center | Evidence and Reflection 3

This was the 3rd time we met the children. My friend and I was leading the introduction activity session, which involve getting the kids getting warmed up through a series of dances and movement. On the day I was feeling… Continue Reading →

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