My UWCSEA Learning Journey

Shawn Cheah



PSE Reflection unit 4

I felt that this unit was very important for myself as these experiences will become reality in my life very soon, or might be already happening. It was insightful to see how we could help people but also help ourselves… Continue Reading →

Self Evaluation

During lessons I focus on paying attention and processing what the teacher says rather then taking notes, however I will take notes on important points which would be useful to remember.  Before an exam, I just go through a bunch… Continue Reading →

Back to the future unit reflection

This year I was most proud on the fact of my development of a personal project of mine that aims to help university and college students manage their work. Some expected challenges I faced was the difficulty of HL math,… Continue Reading →

Personality test | Future self PSE

Realistic : 6 Investigation : 6 Artistic : 3 Social : 5 Enterprising : 6 Conventional : 5 I agree with all the results because I think that I fit most of these qualities. I think a person like Stewart… Continue Reading →

Success, what it means to me

My definition of happiness is being able to wake up each day looking forward to what I will be doing that day.The definition of success from google is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose”, and I believe that the… Continue Reading →

PSE | My Iceberg

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