My UWCSEA Learning Journey

Shawn Cheah



ITP Piano | Evidence and Reflection 3

Since the last reflection, I have been focusing on completing the entire Sonata in D Major by Mozart, after finishing the 3rd movement. With the grade 11 end of year exams in the horizon, managing my time practicing was proving… Continue Reading →

ITP Piano | Evidence and Reflection 1

For the past month, my teacher and I have been focusing on a prelude and fugue in A flat major by Bach. It was very insightful to see how technology impacted the way music was played, and how Bach’s music… Continue Reading →

Setting goals | ITP (Piano) | Cas 1

I have been doing ITP for the past 7 years and have been playing the piano since I was 3. This being said, ITP still has it fair share of challenges. One major issue I faced during my IGCSE years… Continue Reading →

Setting goals | HS STEM Club | Cas 1

Going to my first session of STEM club, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I signed up for the activity to cultivate my interest in  technology, but more specifically how engineering, science and technology,  are all interconnect to produce the… Continue Reading →

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