My UWCSEA Learning Journey

Shawn Cheah



Setting goals | Badminton | Cas 1

I have signed up for pre-season and on season of Badminton. My goals for badminton this year is mainly improving my doubles and skills in preparation for next year, as I will be aiming to make it into the A… Continue Reading →

SGM Murni Child Development Center | Evidence and Reflection 1

To be honest, it was quite disappointing that we had to change our focus to reading, rather then music, and to make matter worse, we could’t even meet the kids. Regardless, we got into planning our videos, in order to… Continue Reading →

Student Voice | Evidence and Reflection 1

I have been committed to student voice even though when sometimes the work load has been quite high (LO4). For example, most student voice meetings take place during Monday lunch times, I had to prepare for service which was on… Continue Reading →

Chinese Chat | Evidence and Reflection 1

Chinese chat has been a great experience, with me learning to teach as well as improving my Chinese. It was challenging at first, as my student was a bit shy however we manage to get to know each other better… Continue Reading →

Setting goals | Student Voice | Cas 1

I took the initiative to represent my class as student voice to voice out my perspective to the grade. Over the years in uwc, I have found the importance of perspective and representation. Attending the first 3 meetings, I have… Continue Reading →

Setting goals | Music and Movement with SGM Murni | Cas 1

I signed up for Music and Movement with SGM Murni Childcare, because I wanted to work with children and music is one of my passion. However, due to social distancing and other measures put in place to prevent the spread… Continue Reading →

Setting goals | HS STEM Club | Cas 1

Going to my first session of STEM club, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I signed up for the activity to cultivate my interest in  technology, but more specifically how engineering, science and technology,  are all interconnect to produce the… Continue Reading →

Setting goals | Chinese Chat | Cas 1

After 3 sessions of Chinese Chat, it has given me time to evaluate myself and set goals for this year. Chinese chat is an activity where older students teach younger students (Who need outside of class help) within the UWC… Continue Reading →

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