5 stages of Service

5 stages that enable efficient service learning


  • Communicate with the service/GC to find out their needs
  • Look at the specific roles
  • Look at the root causes
  • Find out people’s skills


  • Communicate with partners to set clear goals that meet their needs
  • Define quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure success
  • Articulate a week-by-week plan that outlines roles, responsibility, resources needed to achieve goals
  • Minutes


  • Direct; Volunteering, going on service trips
  • Indirect; Fundraising, donation drives
  • Advocacy; raising awareness through social events
  • Research; resources for the community, solutions for issues


  • Describe what happened
  • Revisit goals and indicators to examine the difference made
  • Discuss thoughts and feelings
  • Look at feedback from partners
  • SWOT analysis
  • Consider project improvements


  • Report to peers, faculty members, partners
  • Write articles or letters to local newspapers
  • Creation of publication to help others learn
  • Presentations or performances
  • Create displays (art, photography)


Image Citation: 10, 2012 DiscoverECSL on September. “The Five Stages of Service Learning: A Dynamic Process.” Discover ECSL, 2 Oct. 2012, discoverecsl.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/the-five-stages-of-service-learning/.

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