EE Day Reflection – 9th May 2019

Today we had our first full EE Day to work on collecting data and further research. I started my pilot study which I will keep monitoring over the next week.

One thing I’ve learnt

I had a better understanding of how my trials will run. I was slightly uncertain on some aspects of my method, such as how I could fit in many different variables into a single run-through, but conducting the pilot study fully consolidated my vision.

What I’m proud of

At the beginning of the day, I wanted to have completely set up my pilot study so I am happy that I finished what I had planned. Also there were some limitations that I had not previously considered such as that the morning glory would have a maximum growth, so I am proud that I used that to my advantage by including it as another variable.

What I’ll be doing next

The pilot study is underway, so I will keep checking up on it over the next week. I learnt more about the equipment I would need so my method has adapted from what I had initially planned, so I will make sure to change my equipment order form when doing my proper trials.

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