Culturama Reflection #3


After participating in Culturama in Grade 11, I enjoyed the experience so much that me and a friend decided to lead a dance this year, instead of just being a dancer. This included researching about a country, finding out about its culture, costumes, traditional dance and music. The theme for this year was “Unexplored” which encouraged dance leaders to pick new countries that had not been showcased in Culturama yet. Me and a friend chose Greece, for its lively music and dance, as well as it being a country that had not yet been represented. The preparation started at the end of Grade 11 and throughout the summer as we had to create our own original choreography ready for Grade 12. As the preparation only involved us two, it was easier to delegate responsibilities as we split up roles; she took charge of music, I took charge of costumes, and we shared creating the choreography. Through the summer, we worked on our dance until we had recorded everything to allow the auditions to run smoothly.

In particular, I was involved in this CAS experience from its beginning stages all the way to the final performance. My participation and leadership in a dance show (not my forte) is something I am proud of.

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