Student Voice Reflection #2

#lo2 I started Student Voice before IB, so this experience aimed to extend my personal skills of management, awareness and organisation. Something that especially stood out to me in my IB Student Voice experience was the need for placing a greater importance to offering options to satisfy more people. Although I understand that pleasing everyone […]

Student Voice Reflection #1

#lo7 As a Student Voice member, we contribute to hosting grade-wide events such as assemblies, outings, addressing mentor or grade concerns. As a representative for my mentor, the collaboration with other representatives is essential to working towards actions that try to benefit the entire grade, but at the same time be aware and conscious of […]

Culturama Reflection #3

#lo3 After participating in Culturama in Grade 11, I enjoyed the experience so much that me and a friend decided to lead a dance this year, instead of just being a dancer. This included researching about a country, finding out about its culture, costumes, traditional dance and music. The theme for this year was “Unexplored” […]

Law Society Reflection #1

#lo1 Law Society was a way for me to develop my presentation, reasoning and debate skills. From my inclination towards STEM subjects, law society was different from my other activities, enabling me to improve and grow into a more well-rounded individual. The experience of Grade 11 helped me to be able to ‘read to understand […]

Grade 12 Plan – 20th June 2019

Grade 11 Challenges: IB academic life Balance between work/rest This didn’t go as well Uncontrollable: workload + expectations Can control: Pressure on myself, procrastination and work ethic University Planning   New experiences: Project Week This went really well We relied on each other Prepared in advance Trust in one another Culturama EE   Grade 12 […]

Culturama Reflection #2

#lo4 I think I showed commitment and perseverance in this experience. The timeline for the final show was only 7 weeks, which is very short considering auditions, planning and perfecting the dance all had to take place within that time. There was commitment in showing up to every single session because the time allotted was […]