Grade 9 Reflection

I feel like this year went by crazy fast. I think one reason why that might be is because of the activities and services I have been part of this year. This year I was part of the Typing club, Astrology club, Warhammer, Generation Education Period (GEP), Repair Kopitiam, Drama Production, Chinese Calligraphy, and Wood Work. Every day I always had at least one activity or service. Because of UWC’s amazing extracurricular activity opportunities, I feel like I was able to develop my passions as well as discover new ones as well.

One of the most significant things I have learned this year is understanding who I am as a learner. This year has been difficult at times considering the lockdown, new classes, and adjusting to high school life.  However, recently, I have found myself loving online learning. I think this is because I feel as though I am a good self-manager and know what works for me best. 

My greatest accomplishment this year would be receiving the role of Head of Focus Group for SSD! I applied for this position because I have loved being part of the focus group GEP. In GEP sessions, I have felt like I have had a say in decision-making and being a part of a group. For the past several months, I have been leading an initiative in GEP to introduce free pads and tampons in UWC, and I am really excited about this!

Currently, I am not so sure what I want to be when I am older. However, recently I have developed a passion for jewellery-making and currently have a small business where I sell my creations on Instagram. 

I am really looking forward to Grade 10. I’m really happy that I will have the same classes with the same students and teachers. This will not only allow me to further develop my skills but will also give me the opportunity to build closer relationships with my teachers and classmates.


2 thoughts on “Grade 9 Reflection

    1. Thank you so much. You have been an amazing mentor this year, I am so glad I got to be in your class!

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