My Language, My World

Why do I speak as I do? How does my language define me?

I speak the as I do because of who my friends are and people I’ve met. A big part of how I speak is how I’ve been brought up by my family and what I’ve been exposed to, being in an international school with such a diverse community with people coming from and speaking a wide variety of languages. My friends really affect how I speak. I’m English and I only speak English but the majority of my friends and teachers are American or have an American accent. When you are around someone a lot you begin to pick up on what they say and how they say things.

My language defines me because it shapes who I am and also shows where I have lived or am from. When I go back to England everyone thinks I sound American and I don’t have that much of a British accent. When in Singapore everyone knows where I am from however that doesn’t just define me. No one has the exact same way of speaking as I do since many different things have impacted the way I speak.  The way I speak is very personal to me, yes I can have the same accent but not in the way I say things and the words I use and that’s how my language defines me.

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