Mukul Deva – The Untold Story

By far my favourite talk, today we listened to Mukul Deva. A novelist who has published 16 books varying from mystery, romance and thriller.

I think that he made writing a story seem really simple but I think that if I tried the steps he gave us it would be easier but still very difficult to write a book.


Plot, Setting, Characters and Incidents are all just part of the planning. Once planned Mukul Deva says that he finds it easy to write the actual book.

Research, Validate, Write the Story, Edit, Submit. Apparently, it takes Mukul Deva 6+ months to the writing stage and only 3 months to write the book.

Some advice that I think that I am going to take into my own story writing is “Take a real-life incident and spin it.” I was expecting that he would talk about how hard writing a book is, however, he emphasised that there is a method to writing stories, one that he follows for all of his books. Now that I have been to the talk I think that I will find writing creative stories less daunting to write.

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