Personal Culture Collage

I have a lot of social media apps on here as I think that it is a very big role in who we are as a generation (generation z,) as well as the iPhone as technology is something that is also very important. I also have the Kardashians and Ed Sheeran as examples of famous people that our generation looks up to our hears a lot about. I put some trends on their as well like the hoodie and the healthy food as I think that these are things that people follow along with just because everyone else is doing it. This makes me question “why do we do things that other people do?” relating to the Marc Nair talk we had in English.

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One Reply to “Personal Culture Collage”

  1. says: Reply

    I like how you came up with a question that was prompted by your collage, and how you related it to a talk in another subject. I agree with all the things you put on your collage because I also think that we are influenced strongly by celebrities and social media. I also agree with what you said about how we often do things because others do them. One thing I am wondering about is why you made the iPhone and Instagram logo bigger than the other images. Is it because they are more significant?

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