Creativity Initial Reflection – Learning outcome 2

Learning Outcome 2: 


This year I made the decision to audition for culturama our school’s annual celebration of sharing and understanding culture through dance. I haven’t really explored the arts or danced before so it was a whole new experience for me. I auditioned for three dances; Spain, Iran and Trinidad and Tobago. I started by watching the audition videos with my friends and practicing some of the moves. Auditioning for the dance was a nerve wracking experience as we barely had any time to go over the steps at the auditions and then we got straight into dancing! There were so many people there that I really didn’t think I’d make it into a dance. I made some mistakes in the dances however I ended up getting into the Spainish. 


Putting myself in front of an audience and doing something that pushed me out of my comfort zone was a big risk I took. I think that being with my friends and understanding that a lot of other people were in the same position as me allowed me to try to overcome the challenge of potentially embarrassing myself in front of the 200 people auditioning. In the future with challenges that force me to push the barriers of my comfort zone I will approach them with an open mindset and ensure that I don’t over think them. 


We have now had the first rehearsal at lunchtime in which we had to partner up with people for our Paso Doble dance. We had to learn all the complicated footwork which was really intimidating as I was really unsure of what I was doing, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of everyone, especially some of the better dancers.

Below is a video of some of our progress:


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