Goal Setting PSE

Patient, Kind, Thoughtful, Strong, Hardworking, Loving, Grateful 

This year I would like to develop the skills of self aware as well as patience. This is important to me because I feel like these are critical life skills that will help me to work well with others in group work as well as being someone that can adapt and respond in difficult situations. Being self aware is a great life skill that allows you to set goals to reflect and motivate yourself to improve in areas that you identify need work. 

I dislike people that are not self aware, insensitive, critical, judgy 

I see being critical and judgy as a quality that I have, that can be useful but one that can also be harmful. I see this in people that I don’t always find to be the easiest to get along with. This bothers me because in some situations being critical is not a good thing. I am over critical of myself which can be helpful in some situations; however, I feel like I could be less judgy of the people around me and always assume positive intent. 

Goal Setting Visualisation

On my 35th birthday I see myself celebrating with the people that I believe to be special to me, and people that encourage me to continually achieve my goals and most importantly stay true to myself and my values. Hopefully I am respected and fairly successful, not just in terms of money but also in terms of life goals and aspirations. I would aspire to have money to help others but also have money saved up for myself. I would hopefully have remained fit and healthy and enjoy doing exercise as a way to keep fit but to also socialise. I hope that I live a balanced life between work, family and friends and taking time to take care of myself. I will have done some amazing things that I’ve always dreamed of on my bucket list, such as skydiving. I hope that I will have taken risks but risks that don’t put me in physical harm or danger. I will hopefully have improved the lives of others in some way potentially by helping the planet and by giving my time to a cause that I strongly believe in. 

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