Swimming LO2 and LO4

I am currently part of our schools swim team in the National squad. Since swimming is not a seasonal sport we have been training throughout summer. I am  committed to swimming seven times a week however going into IB I was apprehensive as to if I would be able to keep up with school work, friends and family. However after the first half term I feel like with good time management and work ethic keeping up with everything is possible right now. 


Swimming is something that I have done from a very young age. I think that swimming is an excellent activity to help develop skills such as perseverance, commitment and resilience and I hope that I will continue to develop these very important life skills. Swimming is a very tough sport, where one improves and plateaus and so it can be hard to maintain motivation to keep training at high intensity when at times it can feel like you aren’t getting rewarded for your efforts. However, I believe that I am a fairly intrinsically motivated person who has long term goals. 


I will need to maintain my commitment and motivation for myself but also for the team. Having such as strong team with many of my good friends will hopefully keep me motivated and accountable through the year and I will do the same for my team mates. 

Here is a link to a video reflection. 

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