Paul Nash and Carol Ann Duffy

Global issue: Justice

The presentation of the truth to society that may not be heard or seen otherwise.

  • Both Paul Nash and Carol Ann Duffy use their work as ways of portraying the truth or other sides typically not seen by the majority. For example during world war 1 many people did not understand the extent of the destruction on the front lines and thus Nash aimed to reveal or at least attempt to convey what was actually happening.
  • Carol Ann Duffy uses her poetry as a way to reinstate or give people (mostly women) a voice to tell their truth
  • By presenting the truth to society change can be evoked or simply society is made aware.

Paul Nash

  • “No glimmer of god seen anywhere”
  • Romanticism style pre world war 1
  • His art style changed from romanticism to modernism  to reflect the cynicism and the change in mentality of society during and after World War 1.
  • Juxtaposition of ironic optimism in title of his artworks and the reality of his painted landscapes.
  • Revitalised British art
  • An artist who was sent back to world war to paint war propaganda
  • Nash plays with a blurred line between realism and abstract art
  • Exposed the truth of world war 1
  • Subverts typical images of country side to become battle scenes where great atrocities have occured
  • Depicts the aftermath of war and the widespread destruction
  • Documents the truth of battle scenes and war in attempt to persuade those who wished the war to continue.

Carol Ann Duffy:

  • Feminist perspective
  • Serious while using humour to subvert the patriarchal society
  • Irony
  • Subversion
  • Intertextuality
  • Colloquial tone

Wire’ Paul Nash 1918

  • Paul Nash’s ‘Wire’ is a battle scene depicting war and destruction, portraying the horrors and atrocities of war,
  • modernist, semi abstract, a cubist influenced style, colours dark with contrasting areas of light

Salome Carol Ann Duffy

  • Depicts the aftermath of a potential murder
  • Feminist perspective, twist on historical stories and traditional texts
  • Turns a religious story into a gruesome murder

Link to analysis of both Texts 

  • Nash uses irony in the titles of his paintings such as ‘We are making a whole new world”
  • Irony of the tree in the ‘Wire’ trees are meant to be strong, represent life, growth, and power however the tree in the painting shows anything but. The tree is a fragment of life left standing after the destruction.
  • Nash subverts the typical serenity of the countryside with scenes of the aftermath of war
  • Carol Ann Duffy uses double meanings and ambivalence as well as subversion in her poems to subvert societal views on gender and a male dominant society
  • Lots of irony in the poem ‘Valentine’ in order to subvert and reject traditional ideas

To tell ‘the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’, because only that way can justice be delivered.

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