Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

Maths Reflection G9 2018

  • How my thinking about how I learn mathematics has changed this year.
  • Something I learned which really helped me make progress.
  • A really interesting thing I studied in maths this year. Explain why.
  • The most important thing I learnt this year was…. Explain why.
  • The most challenging aspect of Mathematics this year was….
  • Strategies that help me learn Mathematics
  • If mathematics was an Olympic Sport what would it be? Explain why.
  • If mathematics was a……………………. what would it be? Explain why.

The most challenging aspect of Maths this year was being able to tackle the Add maths material, when I still wasn’t confident with the extended. The class does move very fast, and I’m glad I was able to get more used to it throughout the year. I found that a strategy that really helped me was repetition. For the topics I was unsure about, I just needed to do more and more practice problems until I felt very confident with the method/type of problem/topic.

Matrices was one topic I found very difficult to understand and remember the rules for, but I think it still is one of most interesting topics we studied this year. It can be quite confusing, but again, I think I just need to put more work into the topic.

Print Friendly, PDF & Email • June 22, 2018

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