25th August Mentor Orientation

This Friday, the entire Grade 9 was off schedule for our second orientation with our mentor class. We spent about an hour participating in little mini games with our mentor in a fun competition against all the other mentor classes.

Not only was this a great way to bond with our mentor but it was also enjoyable to participate in. These types of orientations are vital for mentor classes especially in the high school where you don’t get to start off the year going on a trip with your class, unlike in middle school. The great thing about this orientation was, instead of trying to win and making it all about the competition. Our class was able to focus on just having fun and working together. And I think that is what matters.

USER MANUAL- What’s important for me when collaborating with others.

What I value when working with others

  • When working with others, I think the most important skill they need to have is collaboration. I find it very difficult to work with people who don’t want to work and is distracting himself and others. I think it is also important that they are open-minded and will go into a task positively and listen to all the ideas and not just argue to get their own way.


What I lose patience with when working with a partner

  • I always loose my patience when working with a partner who isn’t trying as hard as I am. I really dislike when people allow one person to carry the weight of the group and not contribute.


If my last collaborative learning experience had a soundtrack it would be

  • If my last collaborative learning experience had a soundtrack it would be the song from high school musical “were all in this together” because everyone had the attitude that if our project fails it equally all our fault.

Here is the link to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbrbUfYSt0E


The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is

  • The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is put me with people that I find easy to collaborate. Like people I already know and am comfortable with or someone who also wants to work as hard as me.


When it comes to tech, I’m good at X, and I need to get better at x

  • When it comes to tech, I’m good at social media, and I need to get better at practically everything else. I am not the best with computer related things, and often have to go to I.T for help


What people sometimes misunderstand about me when we are teamed up together

  • People who misunderstand me are often the people who I am not as comfortable working with, maybe because we aren’t that good friends or just because we have never talked before. I’m often shyer around them and tend to give out my ideas less.