Reflection One: Identity

What has changed? What has stayed the same?

  • Since Grade 9, I think that I have changed and become more content with myself and calm. I feel more mature and less hyper and dramatic. I feel that I was viewed as quite a surface levelled person in Grade 9, and since then I have aged and gone through more experiences that change what I value and what to get out of life. I think what has stayed the same is that I am still very opinionated and outspoken in what I believe in.

    To what extent do identities change over time? Why?

I believe that identities are shaped from the experiences you go through and the people we meet and since we experiencing new things every day and continuing the meet new people our identities are ever changing. I think this is especially true in people my age as we are still in the process of forming who we become as an adult.

  •  Do we have one fixed identity or multiple?

I think people can act a different way in different company however I wouldn’t say that how we act in different situations is who we should identify ourselves as. How we should identify ourselves as is our core values and beliefs and how we are as a person, something that may change over time but not change depending on the situation.

  • To what extent does this text (Starburst Identity Chart) represent your full identity?

I think that this chart is very surface level in identifying me, as what is written are the first things to come to mind about me. Its not anything beyond that, that can tell you who I am and what I believe in.

  • Can you suggest a text that can more completely capture your identity?

I think a collection of my own writing where I write about experiences and how I have grown from them,  about people and how they have changed me or what I believe in. These better capture my true identity as it dives deeper into who I am as a person, rather than aspects of me on a surface level.

  • How do graphic elements in this text contrast to show multiple perspectives?

Aspects of this text that are very contrasting are especially noticeable in how I viewed myself and how others viewed me in Grade 9. I think as I was younger, aspects of me that I believed showed something positive about my identity were portrayed in a not so positive way.

In what ways can the loss and search for identity be represented in this text?

Over time you can clearly see my identity has changed for the better, which represents my search for my identity. However many of the aspects of me that I have lost since Grade 9 are negative, and things I wouldn’t say identify me.