CAS Reflection 6 – Weights Training Final

After partaking in weights training for several months, I am really proud of not only my physical and strength progress but also my skill development and knowledge. My instructor taught me valuable lessons about the different types of machinery in our school gym and types of exercises and which part of my body each trains. Before joining weights training I would go into the gym without a clue and do what I thought was most beneficial. I learnt that a lot of the exercises I did previously weren’t actually training the parts I wanted to train or weren’t very beneficial. I am really happy that I joined weights training as I feel a lot more confident walking into a gym as I now know what I am doing. Not only that but weights training has also shown me the benefits of commitment to staying active and fit. The lessons I learnt in weights training are things that I can take on for the rest of my life.

English Practice IO

Overall feelings right after IO:

I am proud of how I have done in my oral. I think in the future I need to work on comparing the intertextuality between the texts as I forgot to in the oral, although Vicky helped me by asking me a question about it. I think when preparing for the oral I focused too much on second guessing myself and the extracts and my ideas, and more on practicing saying my ideas out loud. I was not confident enough in my opinions so during the oral I kept getting lost in my thoughts.

What I think I did well:

  • The structure of my IO was very organised and well thought out. It ensured that my ideas weren’t getting lost which helped make the message more clear
  • I think I did well in answering the follow up questions – something that I think comes with lots of research into the text and enough fluency to be capable of going past what I prepared.


  • I need to work on creating a thesis after gathering evidence because when I force evidence to work with my thesis, the evidence was weaker and felt like a stretch in supporting my thesis. By doing it the other way around I can eliminate this problem.
  • I need to work on getting evidence that can be seen throughout the text and not just the extract.
  • I need to practice my oral more next time because I tended to loose my train of thought under pressure. I also need to stop referring to my notes as much which will also come with more practice.
  • Make sure both texts were evenly spoken about

Takeaways that will threaten my IO (what I need to focus on avoiding):

  • Finding thesis first and then finding evidence to prove my thesis prevents me from using quality evidence.
  • Comic books as a literary piece is not a strong point of discussion because it can force the focus on visual aspects – and the visual elements of comic books tend to be very basic and simply designed making it harder to go into a deep analysis.
  • Over complicating my global issue takes away time from my explanations and my analysis.