Paper 1 Task September & November marks and goals going forward

This is the marks I got per criteria for the September Paper 1 Practice (Chevrolet Advertisement):

Criteria A (Understanding and Interpretation): 4

Criteria B (Analysis and Evaluation): 3

Criteria C (Focus and Organization): 4

Criteria D (Language): 4

Total: 15

Grade: 6


This is the marks I got per criteria for the November Paper 1 Practice (Journey of Water Science Article)

Criteria A (Understanding and Interpretation): 4

Criteria B (Analysis and Evaluation): 4

Criteria C (Focus and Organization): 4

Criteria D (Language): 4

Total: 16

Grade: 6

  1. How might you embed evidence more efficiently to clearly connect techniques to themes/ideas?

In the moment I am first handing a paper 1, I need to focus on improving my annotating and brainstorm. I sometimes feel nervous when starting a paper and tend to organise and outline my plan very briefly. This causes me to use evidence that may not be the best as well as I can only unpack the effect of the evidence to the reader, rather than connect it to a greater theme or idea.

2. How might you identify more prominent techniques by the author & unpack these to connect to ideas & themes?

I want to revise the types of techniques used in non-literary techniques as I often forget the specific literary devices and this limits the type of evidence I chose and the techniques I use to unpack evidence. I want to be more confident with non-lit papers by practicing identifying techniques and learning more about their effect.

3. How might you further unpack text type conventions & the author’s use of narrative form?

To do this I need to continue to review aspects of non-lit text types as well as the effects of different forms of writing such as narrative writing. This perhaps would help me develop my understanding of greater ideas, themes.


I have 3 very clear goals. My first goal is doing more paper 1s so that I can practice the initial stages of completing the paper to ensure that my brainstorming and annotating is more in depth and clear so that when I get to the point of writing I feel confident in my plan rather than feeling like I’m ‘going with the flow.’ My next goal is to pull out greater ideas or deeper figurative meanings very early on in my planning stage so that when I embed evidence it can clearly be connected to greater themes and ideas to provide the ‘so what.’ My last goal is to revise more techniques so that when I’m looking at a text I can easily identity the different devices used, so as to embed the more effective and well suited evidence for the point I am trying to make.