Category Archives: Academic

Attempt One #1 Design Tech TedXUWCSEA

While creating my TedXUWCSEA logo for the first time, I was using my older laptop and it crashed halfway through and deleted all my work. Below are the screenshots I managed to recover. If you look at my final design logo, some of the work I had started had inspired my final. Having all my work deleted was very difficult because a lot of the small edits that take a lot of time are the things that had been deleted. I managed to persevere and move on and make another logo that in my personal opinion was a huge improvement.

DP TEDXUWCSEA Process of Creation


Tell us specifically how research helped this process, and which links you think you need to explore/return to in order to continue with your design

I think it really helped me to look up and try to understand what TEDx’s aim is. I think I need to return to some of the tutorials and look at how they make effective logos because so far mine is a very basic idea.

What was the most complicated thing you taught yourself to do? How did you achieve it?

The most complicated thing that I taught myself to do today is to fill an image with a different color than it originally was on pages. This was actually a lot harder for me than I thought, and as you can see from the screenshots i had to look it up and ask some friends.

Right now, what do you think your design says about both TEDx and the theme Peace by Piece?

Right now, my logo is more about UWC and TEDx and its shared missions to educate and inspire ideas in people. Next class I am going to work on trying to aim is closer to Peace by Piece.


As you can see my initial ideas are completely different then what I have now. Although some of those screenshots are different because of my computer crashing, I also completely transformed my initial design into what it is now.

How our identity & language shapes us – Steven Fry’s Planet Word: Identity

Here is the link the the video that I am talking about

Steven Fry makes a good point about how being able to speak the language of the land gives you a sense of pride and identity and makes you feel as if you belong. For me personally, I can relate to that but sort of in an opposite way, when I go back to Ireland, although no one I am with speaks Gaelic everyone is still speaking English with a strong Irish accent. Since I didn’t grow up there and neither of my parents speaks with strong Irish accents, although I am a citizen there I don’t ever feel like Ireland is what I call home. So I for me I think it depends on who you are if you feel language can exclude or include you. I do get some sort of feeling like I am being excluding because I am in a country that I am supposed to call home and I don’t speak the same way as everyone there. I feel that my attachment to English is on an emotional level instead of intelligence level because English is the language in my brain and all my thoughts are in English.

When he talks about how people can make assumptions about a person solely based on the sound of their voice and the accent they speak with. I can see that happening in the world but since I grew up in an international school and in a country with so many expats from all over the world. I hear so many accents throughout one day that I know not to make assumptions about someone based on their accent.

Donald Trump’s fear of Spanish reveals the power in our language — and identity

Link to article being discussed in the following

How does the journalist feel about forced language assimilation (i.e. the view/expectation that everyone in America must learn English) and what does she believe is the relationship between accent, identity, and power?

I think that now she sees the problem with assimilation that she didn’t when she was younger. She was previously ashamed of where she came from, how she spoke and what she celebrated but now she talks about how wrong that was of her to try to hide a part of her. She believes that your accent is part of your identity. When people or “America” tell her to lose her accent she feels as if they are trying to conceal a part of her and cover up a part of her. She feels as if they are trying to get rid of something that makes her herself and try to make her like everyone around her.


What do you notice about the journalist’s own language? Do you agree with her views?

I understand where she is coming from and I think everything she said is 100% true. Although I haven’t really experienced this as much, or to the level of severity she has, I agree with her views, when people tell you to get rid of your thick accent or to not celebrate something that is part of your culture, you feel as if they are telling you that it’s wrong to be from somewhere else and that it’s wrong to be yourself and that you need to be more like everyone else.



Why do I speak as I do and how does my language define me?

The reason I speak the way I do, I think is because of the environment I grew up in. I have two parents who both speak American English. This means that I have now caught on to that so I also say words like words the American way instead of the British way. I have also grown up in the digital age, so I often will say abbreviations like I would write in texts. I live in Singapore and when I am in a local area or talking to a taxi driver I sometimes will speak with a more Singlish accent. This is the same as when I visit Ireland on vacation. I will often start speaking with a hint of an Irish accent to match the people around me. When I go to the states it is the same, my American accent will come out even stronger. To summarise I think I speak the way I do because of where I am or who I’m with. My language defines me because it will tell strangers who I am and where I come from. A random stranger will be able to tell that I am American just by hearing the way I speak. When I am in Ireland people will hear the Irish side of me come out and when I’m in Singapore people can tell I have lived there long enough to know how to speak and get around. I think my language defines who I am because it isn’t just about the way I speak, but it comes with a lot of stories and experience behind it that makes me speak the way I do today.

USER MANUAL- What’s important for me when collaborating with others.

What I value when working with others

  • When working with others, I think the most important skill they need to have is collaboration. I find it very difficult to work with people who don’t want to work and is distracting himself and others. I think it is also important that they are open-minded and will go into a task positively and listen to all the ideas and not just argue to get their own way.


What I lose patience with when working with a partner

  • I always loose my patience when working with a partner who isn’t trying as hard as I am. I really dislike when people allow one person to carry the weight of the group and not contribute.


If my last collaborative learning experience had a soundtrack it would be

  • If my last collaborative learning experience had a soundtrack it would be the song from high school musical “were all in this together” because everyone had the attitude that if our project fails it equally all our fault.

Here is the link to the song:


The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is

  • The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is put me with people that I find easy to collaborate. Like people I already know and am comfortable with or someone who also wants to work as hard as me.


When it comes to tech, I’m good at X, and I need to get better at x

  • When it comes to tech, I’m good at social media, and I need to get better at practically everything else. I am not the best with computer related things, and often have to go to I.T for help


What people sometimes misunderstand about me when we are teamed up together

  • People who misunderstand me are often the people who I am not as comfortable working with, maybe because we aren’t that good friends or just because we have never talked before. I’m often shyer around them and tend to give out my ideas less.