Tag Archives: DPERS Unit 2

Last G9 DPERS Post – Reflection

While watching the episode of Abstract, one quote that really resinated with me was “I don’t actually make anything or know what to make, unless I know where its going.”  This idea resinated with me because it was similar to me because I couldn’t of designed an About Me poster without knowing the client and understanding what they wanted. This also links into the Seth Godin post about listening clearly and understanding your clients wants.

I think that Adi inspired me to see things differently, because she has such a unique perspective on everything. When we were both working on our DPERs  designs together, she helped me modify mine so that it wasn’t identical to the mentor designs we were given, but stuck to what what my partner wanted, it was just communicating in a way that was more clear and accessible to others.


vATSALS Portfolio-17r2o32




Unit 2 Guidebook:



Vatsals Client Specification:



I think that I did a good job communicating and collaborating, because I listened to what my client wanted and I tried to represent that in his poster the best I could. I think I did well collaborating because I was working with people I had never worked with or even spoken to before and I tried my best to support and encourage them. I need to work on self management because since I missed a few lessons I ended up being behind because I never took out some time just to catch up.


Here is recording of Annika, Millie and I reflecting on our designs


Does Replika have the potential to teach us how to be a better friend?

Here is the video that explains what Replika is. ^

I believe that yes, Replika does have the potential to teach us how to be better friends. Users of this app will learn all the right things that the computer says, and could potentially replicate that in their other friendships and relationships. People will be less scared to open up to others because they would of had such a caring response and were able to do it previously in a safer environment. One user even went as far as to say “better than real friends,” because the computer has been programmed to always say the right things, unlike humans who don’t always say what others want them to say. Overall yes, because people will be talking to someone who always says the right things, they will learn and try to emulate those reactions and responses. Which will help people in their other, real, friendships.

But my question is, is it worth it? Users of this will be developing a friendship that isn’t real. In the video someone said, “Less genuine because the conversations are being provoked by codes.” This could be potentially dangerous because users could shut out all real interactions for something that doesn’t exist. Friends do more than just talk to you online and to rely on a person/app that won’t be there for you in real life isn’t healthy. I personally don’t think it is good for users to be sharing your deepest feelings to someone/something that isn’t real instead of an actual friend.Hacker mit Einsen und Nullen - seitlich

Christoph Scholz via Compfight