AMGD Club S1/S2 Complete Reflection


The sign-up for this activity was also done through the school system. My motivation for joining this activity was honestly purely personal preference rather than anything. Although some of the Learning Outcomes have indeed been met, it was purely organic and not anything specific that I was trying to achieve. For many years now, I have had an active interest in Anime, Manga and Japanese Culture; in my previous school, there was no outlet for me to have meaningful conversations with like-minded people. When I realised that I had the opportunity to interact with other people of the same interests, I did not hesitate to take that opportunity. I would like to emphasize that the purpose of this CAS experience was mainly for personal growth but also for me to be actively aware of nuances in other cultures as well as build everlasting bonds with people who understand and respect our mutual interests.



Our roles and responsibilities were clearly defined from the start and there was not much debate about it mainly due to the fact that we were a small club. The leaders assigned themselves as this club was only recently formed and daily activities were being morphed every month until the right balance of various types of activities was found. The rest of us (apart from the leaders) were given the main responsibility to always engage with activities to the best of our abilities. A clear plan of action was formed with certain activities in mind distributed over a few months. Some of these activities were:

  1. Seasonal recommendation sessions – Where we recommend new anime and manga to each other amongst 4-6 genres that are most preferred by our group
  2. Trivia and factual quizzes – To test our knowledge and to show others our personality so we can connect and include everyone better
  3. Individual presentations – A way in which we can all speak our minds and varying opinions without judgment but instead meaningful discussion afterwards.
  4. Jeopardy (Theme; Japanese Culture) – We split ourselves into 2 teams and enjoyed ourselves while collaborating without team members and increasing our perceptions of the other team’s thinking styles.
  5. News and Announcements about Anime events In Singapore – We were well informed about any new merchandise that was launched or a specific event coming to Singapore, we even decided to go together to one of these events (below)
  6. C3AFA 2019 – This was an Anime and Manga event that cam eto Singapore in 2019, we made plans to go there as a group and enjoyed the immense culture and fun events there, we even bought some stuff!


All of the above activities mentioned were carried forward on a weekly need-to-know basis since we were only a small group and plans were easily changeable, this was the aspect of decision making that cam einto organising our club activities since on some occasions we couldn’t make it to the club as it was during lunchtime. Luckily all of us were very decisive people and changed and if we felt that everyone was not present to enjoy what we were originally going to do. Not many problems arose in our club but when it did it was something minor and we had a proper discussion with the person who was experiencing the problem and easily solved it.

Slides were made every week for that week’s agenda, which are on our website. Other h=things on our website include our recommendations, our favourite Japanese music, our favourite genres, our best quizzes and much more!

Link here –

Learning Outcomes:

From the above reflection, it can be inferred that the following learning outcomes were achieved:

  • LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4

Images and other evidence;

Unfortunately, while I was doing my individual presentation, I forgot to ask someone to record it, honestly because I was having too much fun giving the presentation and didn’t have time to think about recording it. But other some other pictures are below.


Club Members Photo Above


PPIS N2 Childcare Learning Outcomes/Demonstration


Dealing with children is a skill which will probably greatly benefit me in the future since I am going out in the world on my own. And if I ever work in a job with kids, I would immediately know what to do. This is the most taxing of my activities because it has both global and ethical concerns worldwide. Nonetheless I persevere and even enjoy the children’s smiling faces when they enjoy another one of our well planned sessions.

Photography Season 2 – First 3 stages


At first I was hesitant to take a second season of photography, but after experiencing the first I’m glad I did, I found that there was always so much more left to learn and always widen my horizons, after all no work of art is said to ever be complete. Sign-ups were done through the school system. I realised that photography was not that popular among people for 2 seasons but still decided to take it because I aim to finish anything I start to learn.


Always being punctual, always having an open mindset to learn and most importantly, always having fun. Being creative in the arts really enriches my IB learning since I am more oriented towards science and mathematics. At the beginning of every lesson Mr. Caleb would ask me what I would like to learn and I would choose a new and interesting aspect to learn. Discussions at the end of class also arose about the learning outcomes of the day.


The action taken was to study the more finer aspects of photography such as:

  • How to ‘Build up’ and image
  • Multiple angular light sources
  • different image sensors along with exotic lenses
  • Light filters, mood and overlaying

and more..

. Above is me with a very heavy portrait zoom lens with a f1.2 aperture

We also talked about taking photos at different location and the implications of taking another person’s photo int he proper way as well as respecting people’s privacy.

Here is some of my final works

More of my outcome work will be in the next post where I will also be discussing, in detail, the learning outcomes and possibly some real-life connections


First 3 stages Yoga with Meditation season 2


Sign-ups were done from the school system, S1 and S2 commitment was already there hence carried forward. I was also grateful that I had signed up for another season because in all honesty, I don’t think a single season is enough to bring out the full benefits of yoga.


In preparation we were told only 2 thing, the first was that Yoga is a big step forward so showing determination by being puntual and always giving it our all was the key, secondly we wrote down our goals and possible reasons for taking the activity/ benefits we might attain by the ens of the activity.


Action was basically pushing ourselves hard, but not too hard! to do Yoga with the best of our abilities and the right mindset.


We concentrated on the harmony between out minds and bodies, our breadth and spirit and sought balance. Some of the exercises were tiresome but I felt quite lively and healthy after completing them.

Detailed discussion about the learning outcomes will be in the next post along with possible demonstration/real-world application.