GPERS — Nature and Nurture- What has a bigger impact?

Nature or nurture? That question has been around for ages and there isn’t a specific answer to it. Everyone has their own opinion in things like these.

When we talk about Nature, we’re talking about the things in your genes- what you were born with. It would have come from your family and it would tell you if you’re a girl or a boy. It also gives us the things like: If your dad and mum were both really tall or short, you would grow up to be similar to them. Maybe your parents didn’t like something. You may or may not grow up to be the same. (maybe???) YOU FOUND ME :0 

Nurture, on the other hand, is how you were taken care of- how you were raised. It’s all about the environment you grew up in, the people you grew up with, etc etc. Let’s say identical twins were separated and raised in two completely different environment. They would have the same genes, the same face, almost the same everything, other than their personality. One could have grew up in a household where the people they were surrounded by were very nice, and always treated them well and in a nurturing way. Maybe the other would have been raised in a house where there was a lot of shouting, anger, strictness. Maybe even raised by bad people. Those twins would not be alike at all. One would be kind, caring and very enthusiastic. The other could have been depressed, angry, and have a habit of lashing out. Nobody would guess they’re twins. They are not the same.

In my opinion, I believe that Nurture overpowers Nature. You could have been born a specific way, supposed to be a certain way, but it could be changed with nurture. With who you want to be, not who you were born as. You could have been born a girl but would like to be a boy in the future. You could have been born into a bad family but maybe raised with other people and grew up to be kind and loving. Gentle. It all depends on Nurture, but that’s just my opinion.

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