Graham Rawle Project- Links with the Foundational Stories

Graham Rawle is the author of the book: ‘A Woman’s World’, which its layout is made from cutouts of books, magazines, newspapers and others similar to them. It tells a story of a woman, who is actually a crossdressing man, living in a city, as a woman would.

In the ‘project’, we had to use magazines and newspaper cutouts to tell a story, about anything we wanted. Being me, I decided to make a short story about the Loch Ness Monster. (You can already tell how my year in English is going to unravel…)

I believe that ‘A Woman’s World’ isn’t a foundational story itself, but its a foundational WAY of TELLING a story. Does that make any sense? It is the first book (to my knowledge) to have cutouts of different things stuck together to make a story, taking bits and pieces from all over the place and putting them in a different order, creating something entirely new.

I’m still not entirely sure.

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