This time with sailing, the wind was neither light nor heavy… It was a bit of both.

Since it was just before a storm, the wind would suddenly pick up and drop. Although, it meant that the wind was relatively strong, I still learnt a few ‘ tricks ‘ to help with light wind.

Apparently, I over-sheet during light-wind, which slows me drastically down. So whenever the wind would suddenly drop, I would release the sheet a bit and bear-away, which would help me pick up speed. I guess what I mean is that sometimes I need compromise on angle so that my boat maintains (or builds) speed.

Additionally, I realised that on downwind, I have to completely release my kicker. I used to just release it by only a little bit, but it turns out that I have to release it all the way.

I guess even on what seems like will be a boring day you still end up learning something new. Next up on the list of things to learn and master : roll-tacks