
This picture that was taken from The Guardian news website is showing an example of what is going on in the United States of America right now. All over the country, people of all colour, gender or ethnicity are protesting against the insane bias and mindset of some people that black lives are insignificant to others. They are protesting for humanity and for lives all over the world so we can share a better future. In this picture it shows peaceful protesters with nothing but masks on the face and signs in their hands, trying to fight for their rights as human beings and calmly as possible because they don’t want any more murders as there already has been. But as we can also see the police are in full-body swat gear. guns, shields, tear gas and stun grenades at the ready because the government sees this as a crisis, something that is unimportant and can go away just by sharing their dominance by scaring the people with violence. This has to change.

Bias is a normal human trait that we all share. It is a preference or a favouritism for a person, people, anything. Being bias is part of being human, but sometimes it can take us too far. We need to start to recognize our own meaning behind our bias and make an effort to change to way we are thinking because it might not seem like something serious, but as we can see by this picture, and news all over the world, bias is a danger to innocent lives and to our communities and it can not just be ignored.

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