Touch Rugby – Final Reflection

Final Touch Rugby Reflection

End of Season 2 SportsĀ 

This was the first season of sport I participated in in this school, and this brought many exciting experiences and the development of new skills. In an attempt to make the most out of this season, I made sure to involve myself in every opportunity given to me to play touch, whether these were games or just trainings.

I participated in three touch tournaments in Singapore, one of them being the Clifford Chance tournament, and even one trip overseas to Kuala Lumpur in the International School of Kuala Lumpur. At first, these were quite intimidating for me, as I have never been too confident playing sport with new people. However, looking back, I feel that this forced me to step out of my comfort zone and practice playing in new environments. Throughout the season, I started to grow more and more confident playing in an unfamiliar settings with new people, so much so that I even joined a mixed touch team outside school with some friends from my grade. I have also learnt the benefit of learning and working together as a team, as there is always so much more you could learn in touch, having teammates to help coach you and motivate you can really help a player improve. Team morale is quite an important factor in a team’s success. During games, and even hard trainings, we try to keep the spirit up to help motivate each player to continue to perform their best, and I’ve noticed that we had been most successful during these times.

I think that the skills I’ve learnt this season have definitely shaped me not only as a touch player, but as an individual. I feel that my goal of gaining confidence and new skills in preparation for next year’s season has been achieved. I’ve noticed myself improving during each game, from barely assisting tries to scoring at least one to two each time. This season made me realize the importance of commitment and perseverance, as I believe that my newfound confidence and skill is the result of continuous training and opportunities to connect with my teammates and coaches. I will definitely be continuing this sport next year.


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