PSE Reflection

Having gone through the sessions of PSE, I have gotten to experience a journey of self discovery and lessons. I learned that we all have a identity which we identify ourselves as but it is different from what our friends may see or our family. We associate identity from physical appearance down to the behaviours in our environment. We also looked at ideal personality types and looking at those traits which make of a ideal human being. When working with others, certain personality traits may be divided among the group. Some people may like the will to act freely whereas others as was in my case look at the big picture and speculate the possibilities before at hand. Being a new boarder and especially new to IB, I think when we look at other people we see the good and bad characteristics in them. For me it is essential we take those good values and add them to our inventory, Everyone has something to contribute, so learning really never stops.

Another big paradigm shift for me was that emotional intelligence is a more likely bigger indicator of success rather than intelligence quotient. Certainly intelligence is also important but without good emotional qualities, the idea of connecting, getting to understand people and yourself is a means to an end for fulfilment of life’s task. I also found out that I was quite a pessimistic person, and changing the thinking style towards a more optimistic environment will be beneficial in these two years. Moments where everything seems to fall and crash down will be more common, so knowing in those times that its not the end of the world will ensure a better way of living. Nurturing an atmosphere which has more realistic goals and continued effort will be vital for completion of the IB.

Categories: PSE

2 thoughts on “PSE Reflection

  1. It sounds like you have thought carefully about the concepts we have covered so far, and I am glad that they have perhaps encouraged you to examine your beliefs and ideas a little. How do you see these being relevant in the future in your chosen career path?

    1. I find these relevant in my future career as I aspire to become a successful surgeon one day. Pursuing a medical path is no easy task and I am probably gonna be let down at times, so I think applying those ideals of optimism and improving my emotional intelligence will be very important as one requires those certain approach towards different people to assure them, help them find hope and the inner strength.

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