A Experience to Cherish

Culturama has been honestly a highlight of my first term spent at UWCSEA. Doing this as a means, not for CAS but getting everything in there from having fun to creating bonds with people through something I’ve never done before. Dance has never been a particular strong suit and I remember grade two being the last time I ever danced. So skipping lunches and practicing even on weekends sort of became the norm, but I was glad cause it was so WORTH IT!

It wasn’t just about moving your body but rather immersing yourself in the beauty of different cultures. I participated in Cambodia, which was less hip compared to others but you could feel the high level of energy in the serene elegance of expression. As we wrapped up in the end with the finale I was a part of a unit. I felt the sheer joy living the moment where everything just froze in time, worries disappeared and I was having a good time.


LO1 Awareness: I can remember first dancing when I was in grade two, and ever since then haven’t properly danced at all. But by reimmersing myself in dancing, I kinda have the feeling of wanting to explore more and become better at dancing. I have never pictured myself as a dancer but nevertheless, it seems like a really nice hobby to pick up and although my stiff movements do not represent the fluidity required that of a dancer, with time and passion, I hope they will soften.

LO5 Collaboration: I collaborated with the Cambodian dance group, and for me what made it hard to join in together was mainly because I was new to this school. It is hard when you lack that deep connection with your teammates to even begin to see fruitful work being done. With repeated sessions, I finally began to learn and understand the identity of my dance partners. This is crucial especially for dance because we want to display the embodiment of individual entities joining to become one and showing the beauty and magnificence of a culture. In the future, I hope to be more opening to experiences such as these and be more welcoming to new peers.

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