100 Seconds & A Stolen Smile

Prompt For Short Narrative

100 Seconds & Stolen Smile

It was early morning when me and my accomplices had gathered. I pointed to the convenience store just around the corner, where I could see the shopkeeper, an old man opening it up. I gestured for the two of my accomplices to follow me. We’d been through the plan. It would be quick and easy. The tiny red bell above the door jingled, announcing our arrival as we walked in, staining the clean white marble floor with dirt and mud. I heard the old man sigh at this. As my accomplices begin to split up and grabbing items of high value, I walked up to the old man sitting behind the cashier and gestured for a packet of cigars behind him and a bottle of beer. As we turned around, I passed an item I had picked up to one of my accomplices, and signaled them to pocket everything they had picked up. When the old man came back up with both a bottle of beer and packet of cigar, I reached for my currently empty wallet and enacted opening it in front of him. I shrugged at this and the man looked truly annoyed at this point. However, before he could speak, I was saved by the tiny red bell jingling. The old man’s attention was turned to an old woman and a little boy entering. As I made for the door with both my accomplices following, one of them dropped a pocketed item. I mentally chided myself for working with such an idiot. I did not intend to hurt anyone, but if I would not resist if I was provoked. Immediately, the man’s attention was turned back to us with a glare. In realising the situation, the old women quickly backed away, pulling the little boy behind her. Smart women. I did not want to hurt them, I too had a child to feed back home. The man approached us and tried to stop me from leaving, but a few pushes and shoves, and the frail man fell back. By the time he had recovered me and my accomplices had left the store far behind.

When I reached home later that day, I opened my hand and dropped the pair of expensive shoes and clothes my daughter had been eyeing previously, into her tiny hands.

“Happy Birthday”, I whispered. The bright smile that broke out on her little face, suddenly made everything worth it.


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