Initial reflection: LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth,  LO 6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Today was the first session this year of Urban Gardening. We began by going over our essential agreements and outlining our goals for this upcoming year, which can be found below. These goals included active engagement and effort towards having a positive impact on a few of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Including Zero Hunger, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action, and Life on Land. These goals and the issues attached to them may be some of the most relevant in today’s world, in my opinion. There is an ongoing threat of climate change and a growing disconnect between society and nature all over the world. I am excited about doing my part in helping positively impact these issues.

I believe that an area of strength I will be able to bring to this service is my passion and drive. These issues are some I hold most dear to my heart and really wish to learn more about. I want to take this opportunity to learns new skills about living more sustainably and being more self-dependent when it comes to food and lifestyle choices. I also hope to gain enough skills and knowledge that I am able to teach others and spread awareness of sustainability. This was even evident today as we were already generating ideas of possible actions that we could do later on in the year for the service.

Overall, the goals that I have for this year of service are:

  • Grow an understanding of ways in which we can live sustainably when it comes to food.
  • Grow and develop skills in gardening by adding onto the preexisting rooftop garden in school.
  • Teach or spread my gained knowledge to others.

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