Lionel Shriver

In Summary, Lionel Shriver believes that in reference to fiction writing cultural appropriation is inevitable. It is the job of the writer to attempt to dive into someone else’s shoes and view the world from another perspective, no matter how much similarities you share with that perspective cultural or world. She argues that it is a problem of over-sensitivity leading to a ‘lose-lose’ situation for writers. If one was to write from another’s perspective they would be criticized for cultural appropriation, however for example, if a white female told the story of only other white females then she would be scrutinized for her lack of diversity. The nature of fiction is ‘fictional’ therefore a fiction writer should have the full freedom to write about whatever they wish to.

Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Yassmin’s beliefs are extremely contradictory to that of Shriver’s. She believes that the idea that we have the right to tell any story roots from a history of privilege and discrimination. That the problem lies in the fact that marginalized and minority groups aren’t given the same opportunities to tell their own stories as rich white authors are. And that it is not always ok for others to write about different cultures stories, if people from those cultures are not being heard themselves.

Personal View

I agree with points from both sides. I understand that society has developed in a way where it has become increasingly difficult to please everyone, due to the development of social media everyone is able to criticize and comment on everything. It has always been impossible to please everyone, however, now everyone’s opinions can be heard shared and can have serious consequences through the implication of restrictions and silencing of authors.

Yet I do disagree in terms that writers have the right to tell everyone story even those that are not theirs. On the contrary, I feel that with the correct research and intention one can try to understand and celebrate different cultures. But are our efforts not better used to provide those without a voice an opportunity to share their own personal experience from their own voice first? But that said writing can bring awareness and develop unity between different cultures and that is why it is such a strong and incredible tool.

In summary, I believe context and intention is everything. When done wrong, writing another story can have serious discriminatory implications, and in the bigger picture, everyone deserves the chance to tell their personal story and culture from their voice first, before someone else does it for them. However, fiction writing can be used as a tool for unification and understanding. A way of developing a culture of diversity and empathy.

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