drama ATL

Attached is a photo of my ATL sheet for iGCSE drama.

For self-management, I gave myself a clear as I feel I really want to improve on setting goals. I think setting goals are really important as they allow you to look back on your mistakes and revise them, developing your skills. I want to work on this by creating a portfolio post looking at where I am in drama, then every month I will comment and write about the progress I’ve made.

For collaboration, I gave myself a strong as I think I (try to) do all these things. I really try to contribute as much as I can, devoting a lot of time to drama. I think I should  work on ‘compromising when necessary’ as I noticed that in previous years, I would often take control of drama groups, where I would decide most things. This year, I really want to make sure everyone in my group gets a chance to create and develop ideas, and sometimes take the back seat.

For communication,  I gave myself a strong as I think I participate in all the discussions or activities that I can. I think I am very appropriate in class, and I really strive to express my ideas, wherever I am.  I think something I can work on is structuring my conversations, and create conversations where others can share easily. I also want to make sure I speak clearly and check that everyone understands what I’m talking about.

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