dpers: designing a logo

Tell us specifically how research helped this process, and which links you think you need to explore/return to in order to continue with your design?

I think I rushed a little bit when I was choosing the icons, so I would like to spend a little bit more time on websites like ‘thenounproject’. I prefer doing instead how figuring out how to do it, as you get straight into the design process and learn more than what you would get from most tutorials.

What was the most complicated thing you taught yourself to do? How did you achieve it?

Just using Adobe Illustrator in general. The space got a little tight, so halfway through the process I just created a new file, which had more space. I was a little confused with colouring and creating text, but in the end, I got it. I really enjoy using adobe illustrator.

Right now, what do you think your design says about both TEDx and the theme Peace by Piece?

I tried to keep it pretty simple and easy on the eyes, and just to give you the basic information. Off of my logo, you can tell there is an independant TEDx event happening at UWCSEA East, and it’s theme is: “peace by piece”. I would like to spend more time touching it up and polishing the design, but I think I have most of the ground work done.


Here’s someone else’s logo which inspired me:

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