DPERS: Working with my new Partner



  • When I compare our user manual posts, I think we both need to remember (X) when planning and communication, I say this because (X)


Jasper- I think we both need to stay patient with each other but at the same time never get to the point that we have to test each other’s patience.

Lucas:  I think the biggest thing we need to do is Stay on task and stay focused so that we can get it done quicker and easier. I say this because then we can be more efficient and save the laughs for later.



  • When I compare our Unit One Review slides, I think I have the opportunity to learn (x) from my partner.  I also think my partner has the opportunity to learn (X) from me.


Jasper- I think I can most certainly learn from his creative side of things as that is not my strong point by any word of the imagination. I think he can probably learn from me in that sometimes (not always) less is more.

Lucas: I really like how simple Jasper kept his design and refrained from putting a lot of information on it, it makes the logo incredibly eye-catching and viewable. I think he may of needed a little bit more information and make that clearer.



  • When I ready my partner’s post about Replika, I am lead to believe that we have more similar/dissimilar views on technology, I say this because….


Jasper- when I read his post on replika it really made me see how much we agreed on technology and how we think it should be used in life. We both had the thought of how crazy it is but how fake of a friend it is as it always tells you what you want to hear.

Lucas: I think we have quite similar stances on technology and specifically this application, Replika, and we both kind-of agreed that in the long run it wouldn’t turn out that well.



  • One question I now have for my partner (as the result of comparing our work styles) is:


Jasper- The only question I have for my partner is that How do you get such flowing and well thought out ideas in such short times. Even in another subject in drama it amazes me how it all just comes to him creatively.

Lucas: One of the questions I have for Jasper is “How do you note take?”. It seems he always gets the most important ideas of whatever we are looking at quite easily and quickly, so I want to learn from him what method he uses.



  • When I compare my ATL self assessment with my Partner’s ATL self assessment (this is included in the unit one slides), I think I will need to focus more on these two ATLs in order to accommodate the needs of my partner:


Jasper-I think that I will need to focus on collaboration as sometimes lucas has fantastic ideas, however if I don’t ask he may never share them. I also feel like I need to work on self management as Lucas is very good at getting things done and I need to work on that to keep the productive pace up.

Lucas:  I agree with Jasper with that we both need to work on Collaboration. Jasper has some great ideas or advice that could really help whatever I am working on, but sometimes it can be hard to share them. If we just have a free flowing conversation I think that can really help.

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