GPERS: “4.1 Miles” Reflection

I find this video incredibly powerful, because it really shows what it’s like to be these people, rather than them being just numbers on a statistic. One of the things I found very interesting was teh moral conundrum that the rescuers faced, which was “do we risk the lives of the people that we have already saved to try and save more people?”. I also showed the trauma of seeing something like this and how it can affect them, long after the actual event. After class I was talking to another classmate who was asking me that if I was in a situation like that, would I first ask for help from God, or from people? I wondered over this and I realised how I couldn’t exactly decide, as it is very easy for people like myself who are in a good place to think God isn’t real, but if I were really in these situations, would i start to look for God?

For me, I think it really depends.


  • If God knows all why doesn’t God stop evil? If God knows some people will act horribly (murder) and eventually end up “in hell” isn’t God setting up people for failure?  


I think he doesn’t stop evil because ‘evil’ is very subjective. And it is not possible to stop everything that everyone thinks is evil. He is doing his best to make people learn from their mistakes, so that in the end, we won’t need him.


  • Are we actually in control of our own fate?  Is there a greater plan that is beyond our comprehension?


I believe that we are in control. I don’t believe that “everything happens for a reason”, and that we are able to make choices that will define our future, tat is not predetermined.


  • Why didn’t God make the world a kinder place if God is all powerful?  


Because being ‘kind’ is also incredibly subjective. If everyone is kind, there will be no perspectives. Humans won’t be human.


  • Is God male – how do we know?


I think when the bible was first written, God was described as male, but I don’t’ think it really matters. It was written in a time where men were believed to be superior than women, and I think that made an effect on it too.

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