DPERS: Creating an ‘About Me’ Page


Recently in Digital Perspectives I have been working on an “About Me” poster for my friend Jasper. You can get the final version of this poster here. If you want to see my process and reflection over creating this piece you can click here. Finally, to see my Unit Two guidebook as well as my peer’s Client Specification Slides, you’ll get them here (guidebook) and here (slides).

I have really enjoyed this unit as it felt much more personal and creative than the first. You were held to certain restrictions during Unit One but I feel almost all of them were lifted off of you here. I also felt like the person I was creating for would/could actually use it, and it’s much easier going straight to them asking whether they’d like this or that, rather than communicating through TEDx through email. I felt like the things we were creating were actually going to be used this time. I also learned a lot, especially with certain tricks in a adobe and creating a beautiful text trick that I will definitely use in the future. Although DPERS may be over, I will still be continuing to create online. I feel I have also developed as a collaborator, communicator as well as a self-manager. For collaboration I have been working close with my parter, making sure they like the details and decisions I have made for their poster. For communication there was also making sure we got the right messages across, for example, when I was talking to Julienne about what I would like in my poster, I made sure to be specific about what I wanted, so that it would also be easier on her. For self-management it has been constantly working and trying new ideas. I actually have made two posters, but the original I thought really lacked important information so I set out to create a new, more information-based and aesthetically pleasing poster.

See you next time.

Here is a recording my classmates and I did based on my ‘About Me’ poster.

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