Writer’s Fortnight: NO with Christina Lau

Although I thought Christina’s story was interesting, I didn’t think that she was the most captivating speaker. The one thing I wished she focused more on was the recovery from her accident as she completely jumped from 2005, when she came to, to 2012, when she started mouth painting. She talked about the things she learned, such as N.O.: Next Opportunity. I usually that how people bounce back from injuries and changing moments like these can be really interesting, as Danny Tan showed me. The way he got over his depression was really inspiring for me, an I really thought he was more compelling than Lau. This also brings the end to the Writer’s Fortnight presentations we’ve had, and I have really enjoyed this unit and all the speakers we’ve had, especially the previously mention Danny Tan, and my personal favorite, Mukul Deva.

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