LangLit Introductory Lesson

Tuesday, 20th August 2019: Introductory Lesson to LangLit

My favourite book of the past year has to be ‘The Road’ by Cormac McCarthy – the novel surrounds a boy and a father trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic America, the details of which we never truly find. That, however, is not an issue as the relationship between the two is what makes the book so strong and powerful; the boy manages to find hope where there is none and is the key factor in what keeps his father going. More is revealed about their family in dream-like and surreal flashbacks, further uncovering what got them to where they currently stand. I really connected with this novel, although depressing, showing a bleak description of what could become our future, the boy and the father’s relationship is heartwarming, and is no moving and realistic. The writing is beautiful yet simple – the lack of punctuation is very noticeable, McCarthy conveying dialogue simply through line breaks and full stops. The horrific ravagers and other members of society they encounter are so shocking, acting as a real threat looming over the boy and the father at all times. I think this novel proved to me that the most essential or important factor in a book are the relationships between the central characters because, in The Road, there isn’t exactly much else going on – yet, that is absolutely a positive rather than a negative, which I could have perceived it as before.

As a learner, I believe I am a more hands-on type, and I prefer learning through conversation and discussion, possibly debates, which I perceive to be incredibly important when understanding the different types of perspectives some students may have. I enjoy reading books, but really when I can see the point in reading them and don’t feel forced to – then I feel reading becomes a chore rather than a highlight. I am looking forward to this year in Language and Literature and am excited to read certain novels we will be discussing later, particularly A Handmaid’s Tale’.

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One thought on “LangLit Introductory Lesson”

  1. Nice analytical insights Lucas! Are there any interesting ideas in regards to representation for the Road?

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